Friday, June 26, 2009

let's just be friends...

to me..."let's just be friends" is one of the worst things that an uninterested person could say to you. if he's not interested, he should tell the truth and not to try to be all sweet when he really doesn't care. its just disappointing, after pouring out the affection you have for him, he says, "lets just be friends." you just told him that you wanted to be more...doesn't he understand that it just might get under you skin a little if your still friends and you know it wont be any more...? or maybe he really just doesn't want to see you again and he tells you that in hopes it will end what feelings you have for him...? lol boys are dumb...just a thought.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

What if...?

  • what if love really did last forever...?
  • what if you had never met me...?
  • what if the next you saw a bridge you felt the need to jump off of it...?
  • what if you could fly...?
  • what if poke`mon were real...?
  • what if 6'8 was the average heigth for girls...?
  • what if being gay was accepted everywhere but North Dakota...?
  • what if i was straight...?
  • what if i told you i was moving to northern Alaska...?
  • what if i rode around everywhere on the back of a polar bear...?
  • what if i pretended to be your friend just to steal your M&M's when you had them...?
  • what if coconuts where what you fed to hamsters...?
  • what if iphones had an app that could see the future...?
  • what if life had "Game Over" screens when people died...?
  • what if you had an imagination like mine...?
  • what if im just kidding... :]
  • just a thought...?

Friday, June 12, 2009

You're only as old as you feel...

ok, so this is a group of five little old ladies, obviously. me and my twin brother were hungry so we went into burger king, and after us walked in these five ladies. me and james ordered our food and sat down. the old ladies, one at a time, ordered their food after us. james and i sat down to eat and they all started laughing and joking around like a group of teenagers would. then the lady in the navy blue shirt pulled out a deck of skip-bo cards. one by one the burger king people would call the numbers of the ladies orders and they would walk up and retrieve their food, after they had all been seated, they started the game. it was such a funny moment watching this group of old women "hanging out" as if they were still young. i guess the saying "you're only as old as you feel" applies here. well, just watching what happened as these old ladies played a game, ate fast food, and joked around and laughed, made me smile, when i'm 70+ years old, i will definitely have a group of old friends and we will definitely be at the local burger king playing card games and laughing and smiling like we still have a whole life in front of us. just a thought...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Major thinking....

--i took this picture
so, before now, i've always thought/wanted a future in music. music education to be specific. well recently i've been thinking about it and after next year when i graduate and hopefully move on to UNT i don't want to be a music education major...i want to be a visual arts/photography major. i can see myself in a photography field, i've always liked the thought of capturing the splendor of those "moments" in life that your memory span just wouldn't be complete without. it's always said that it's the little things that make you smile that you'll never forget. and hell if your lucky enough to be able to capture that in a photo, it will last forever! ...just a thought...

Monday, June 8, 2009

He was the highlight of it all...

i met this boy awhile back. haha. his name is jeffrey. after going through a whole lot of drama with my ex luke and all a new guy was deffinately a breathe of fresh air. well jeffrey came over yesterday to spend the night, so me and james and jeffrey and anthony went to the movies and saw Night At The Museum 2. it was so funny :].

well then we all went back to mine and james's house. and at like 2am we went out to visit with tori and stephanie in the middle of nowhere heehee. that was a blast. jeffrey was so cute :P. then by like 4am we went home and tori and stephy went back. me and jeffrey ended up sleeping on the same bed and cuddling. it was so cute. heehee. we all got up this morning and were being lazy. like, REALLY lazy. we didn't want to get up. i didnt, jeffrey didnt, anthony didnt, and james sure as hell didn't. we did get up eventually and just hung around. then jeffrey had to go. i walked him to his car, hugged hime, kiss goodbye and he left! :P i plan on going to see him next time....haha, only fair right!

well...going upstairs to play videogames with nicky. haha. new crushes are so exciting. just a thought...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

5:o6 a.m.

you know that time, it starts somewhere around 2:oo a.m. and last until you finally get some sleep, that time were literally everything that goes on is hilarious. that's now for me. its just a little after 5:oo a.m. and im not getting a wink of sleep, not tired....
lol just an idea, but, it could be due to the effects of that grape NOS energy drink i had earlier =P oops!
the picture above is one of my favorite snacks, CHEEZ-ITS and MINI-MARSHMALLOWS. sounds good right? haha!
maybe i should try to go to bed...just a thought...

bloggy thing =]

this is my blog, i'm probably going to go though just about every emotion on this blog, as of now, i'm still in high school, so of course there will be drama and i will definitely be ranting about it on here! =P
i'll try to update once a day, or every few days, i'm not too sure! =]
...just a thought...